Jun 9, 2020
This week we kick off a three-part political series. As we sit in uncertain times, in a divided nation, approaching another election cycle, we want to offer a series that doesn't delve into specific candidates or platforms, but into how we can be grace-filled in our political conversations. We want to be women who don't shy away from the hard discussions, but we want to have them in love.
We are so excited that our first guests in the series are Sarah Stewart Holland and Beth Silvers from Pantsuit Politics. The Pantsuit Politics podcast is "a podcast for real conversations that help us understand politics, democracy, and the news – while still treating each other like thoughtful human beings." They strive "to create an informative and grace-filled space by respecting each other as people who are sharing insights into the issues and our hearts. Grace is something that everyone deserves, and it allows for greater depth in our conversations and connections."
We are so grateful that they shared their insight and words of wisdom on creating a grace-filled space as we delve into the hard topics swirling around in our culture. We at Woven are committed to talking about the hard stuff, but doing it in away that invites everyone to be apart of the conversation.
Want to learn more about Pantsuit Politics? You can visit their website- www.pantsuitpoliticsshow.com. Their bi-weekly show is available wherever you stream podcasts. They are also very active on IG @pantsuitpolitics. You can also purchase their book I Think You're Wrong (But I'm Listening) wherever books are sold.